Projects News:
Launch of the Interreg Switzerland - France project: ELECTRIVERT: Turning biomass into electricity.
Valorizing biomass energy and promoting its conversion into electricity by SOFC fuel cell systems.
The overall objective of the ELECTRIVERT project is to locally enhance the energy provided by biomass, in particular biogas, by promoting its conversion into electricity using innovative SOFC fuel cell systems. For the partnership made up of design offices, specialist companies and teaching and research institutes, the first step will be to establish an inventory of the production, enhancement and distribution of biogas in the cooperation area and to develop this sector there with producers of agricultural organic waste. The second objective of the project is to optimise the manufacturing technologies for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) to convert biogas from organic waste into electricity and heat. This will involve developing elementary cells of variable dimensions to produce 50 W prototype stacks running on biogas.
More info:
Kick off meeting Electrivert projectFIAXELL as associated partner in the KNOWSKITE-X project.
The project will demonstrate a science-based approach to the development of electrode materials forming key parts of reversible chemical-to-power cells. Such devices operate in two modes: in fuel cell (FC) mode, it converts hydrogen into electricity whereas when operating as electrolyser cell (EC), it uses excess electricity to form hydrogen from water electrolysis. This versatility enables the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources with the electrical grid by storing the excess energy as carbon-free chemical fuel. In particular, the project targets mixed oxides with perovskite structure with minimised critical content while keeping highest possible performances and targeting fair economic viability.
More info :
Fiaxell in the consortium of the NOUVEAU project, a Horizon Europe research project.
The NOUVEAU project will develop solid oxide cells (SOCs) with innovative La- and PMG-free electrode materials, solid electrolyte and interconnects with an overall reduced amount of REE (30%), recycled Yt (50-70%) and Cr (20%). To this end, advanced coating methodologies and modelling will be employed in combination with sustainable-by-design and recycling approaches.
More info :
Fiaxell Partner in Project Modular Stack Tester and Electronics
A new product range will be developed for the (SOFC/SOEC) high temperature fuel cell market. It will be a modular stack tester for industrial size cells. Contrary to the competition (see Fiaxell BP p. 4), we will offer to the customers the possibility to buy only what they want and avoiding duplication thus providing a most cost effective solution. In addition, a web accessible database will be created to identify, with a simple keywords search, the concurring SOFC/SOEC degradation phenomena.
More info : Eurostars Cut–off 13
Next conferences to meet us:
Visit us at our booth B01 at the next European Fuel Cell Forum, EFCF2024 that will take place in Lucerne, Switzerland, between the 2nd and the 5th of July 2024
Visit us at our booth at the 7th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP "PROSPECTS ON PROTONIC CERAMIC CELLS" PPCC2024 conference that will take place in Dijon, FRANCE, between the the 18th and the 21st of June 2024
Past conferences:
3rd Edition of the Advanced Materials and Green Energy Conference , AMGEC2023, November 2-5, 2023, Sousse, Tunisia
Visit us at our booth N°532 at the SOFCXVIII conference within the frame of the 243rd Electrochemical Society Meeting that will take place in Boston, MA, from May 28 to June 2, 2023
AMGEC2022, November 3-6, 2022, Sousse, Tunisia
Visit us at our booth B06 at the next European Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF2022) that will take place in Lucerne, Switzerland, between the 5th and the 8th of July 2022
Visit us at PPCC22, the 6th International workshop on international "PROSPECTS ON PROTONIC CERAMIC CELLS", 8-10th of June 2022 in Dijon, France
Visit us at SOFC XVI, the16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, 8–13th of September 2019, Kyoto, Japan
Visit us at PPCC19, the 5th International workshop on international "PROSPECTS ON PROTONIC CERAMIC CELLS", 16-18th of October 2019 in Montpellier, France
Visit us at IBERCONAPPICE 2019, Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible, 23-25th of October 2019, Madrid, Spain
Visit us at EFC19, the 8th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Piero Lunghi Conference 9-11th of December 2019 in Naples, Italy
Visit us at the 8th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC2019) that will take place in Nantes, France, between 12 and 14 February 2019.
Visit us at the 5th NANOENERGY-2018 that will take place in Aveiro, Portugal, between the 16th and the 18th of July 2018.
Visit us at our booth B04 at the next European Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF2018) that will take place in Lucerne, Switzerland, between the 3rd and the 6th of July 2018
Visit us at our booth at the next WORLD HYDROGEN ENERGY CONFERENCE (WHEC) that will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between the17th to 22nd of June 2018,
Funny things !
Recent developments at Fiaxell
In order to continuously improve our test Set-Up, Fiaxell is proposing the following new items:
- Integrated steamer with pure alumina housing to avoid any chromium evaporation during electrolysis mode
- Integrated gas processor with temperature control and gas sampling at each process stage
- Short stack test kit
- Ceramic coating for direct carbon feeding (in development)
To always provide a more complete turnkey solution for cell testing and manufacturing, Fiaxell is offering the following new products:
- Stainless steel panel customized on customer request with in operando gas calibration
- Commercialisation of specialty inks
- Water based slurries
- Lab tape caster and ceramic processing